The Process

Specification Discussion

We will have a detailed discussion about what you are looking for your application to do, how you want it to look, how you want it to perform and who the intended audience is. A detailed discussion ensures that while we are doing the work, we stay on the right path and eventually deliver you the perfect solution.

Scrum Start

We outline the project goals, tasks and timeline within our project management software and have you review it to make sure we have interpreted your idea correctly and that you are happy with how we have planned the development of the solution.

Prototyping and Testing

We will make regular developmental sprints to create prototypes of the solution for testing keeping you involved every step of the way.

The Finale

By this time, the solution will be complete and ready to be used by you or your audience.

Our Services

Web Application Development

Frontend/Backend/API development to turn your ideas into amazing features your audience can use.

Web3 Development

Whether you are looking to move over to decentralised use of the internet or you are just trying to get rich off NFTs or your own brand of coin, we can integrate your applications any blockchain network or create smart contracts to cater to your needs.


Creating applications for your convenience whether it be to automatically do tasks you find tedious or an AI to analyse data and execute a function on your behalf, saving you time and making you and your business more productive.

Hosting and Maintenaince

Managing deployment of your web application saving you the hassle and worry of who will maintain your website or service when you have no experience or time to do so.

General Applications

Yes, we even develop desktop and mobile applications for all platforms. From straightforward applications like accounting software and games to esoteric applications like robot software. There is no shortage of what we can do.

© 2023 Brinstar

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